You + Danielle W – Rivera

She lies, cheats and attempted to rob me blind when I broke off our engagement because she was sleeping with someone in the job I got her – at the company that paid our bills. Nothing like being betrayed by your best friend when you attempt an amicable break up with a lying whore. You cannot trust her, anything she says or does. Liar, liar, pants on fire. People who cheat in one aspect of their life cheat in every aspect of their life; cheat on taxes, cheat on spouse, cheat on payroll. One in the same, no integrity but so grateful we never got married. Hope the polyamourous lifestyle you were secretly living that caused our break up was as much fun when your husband kept banging other chicks while you were home taking care of the babies…lol… Karma is a beautfiul thing. The roof will cave in if she lived/lives in your guest house.

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