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    Cross dressing in Autumn/Winter

    Love it, my favourite time of year for going out dressed feminine, lost a lot of weight this year and have a new wardrobe. This morning took my dog for a long walk in the forest. Wearing block heeled boots, thick stockings, no panties but locked in small cage, knee length skirt, bra, blouse and […] More

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    The lesser known but largest community of lesbians

    I am gay, lesbian, 34 and live in a large metropolitan city. My job is in Human Services, and maybe because I am a lesbian who is uncomfortable with this lifestyle I end up counseling other young lesbians, and sometimes older lesbians, who feel as I do. I HATE what has happened the last few […] More

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    Numbers and Inadequacy

    I’m very tired of so much online hinging on numbers. I know they “don’t matter”, but for someone like me who can’t shake the shit upbringing of having to do everything right, they’re shit. I hate seeing people say the dumbest shit, and there be so many people for it. I do the same and […] More

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    I have stolen money from my family

    I live in a big house with my parents, my cousins and their parents. I have stolen money from the safe of my family, my aunt realized it and she cannot sleep. I did not take everything but a portion of it. I have taken it to buy drugs, I hate myself for that, I […] More

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    Got a BJ from a homeless woman

    Posted about it a few days ago but I guess some shithead got offended and reported it so I’m posting again. It was a Latino in her early to mid 20’s standing at the exit of a shopping center parking lot. I offered her $10 and said she could earn more. Surprisingly she agreed and […] More

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    cross all the tees and dot the I’s before hand

    Ok here’s the deal. After ten years and the consent asking, I gave in and gave hubby a threesome for his birthday. We all understood the fourplay getting me ready for the big event. But who’s first and they couldn’t even decide. So, I took control and put both driver licenses in a brown paper […] More

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    Why is it a big deal

    While having sex I freak out my boyfriend. I tell him there’s nothing wrong when I play with my clit during penetration. There are times I’ll play my nipples while he’s licking on me. More

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    I was boastful

    I was boastful prideful angry disrespectful immature unprofessional selfish stubborn ungrateful complaining I was discontent unloving unmerciful unforgiving lazy insensitive ungodly irresponsible I lied I was afraid worried paranoid anxious self righteous I passed judgment against others I was faithless I was threatening I had violent suicidal thoughts I was manipulative divisive self righteous and […] More

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    Nasty Neighbor

    I am 13F and my Mother forces me to cook and clean for the older neighbor man. He is a Horny Pervert and is always grabbing me Breasts and Ass when I have to go over there. He is sweet with my Mom and I think he gives her some cash for having me help […] More

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    Trade? NO!

    This is not a site for trading Child Pornography. Post your Child Porn elsewhere. It’s clowns like you that will cause this site to be closed down just like all the other sites have been. More

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    RE: — I Fucking Hate Politics

    Politics are easy to grasp. As surprising as it may be, it is all a show. That’s why they are called actors. The USA is actually a corporation and you are merely electing a corporate President. It is not your country. What, a corporation? Yes, it is a corporation. If your friends are really and […] More

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