Closeted college student.

Closeted college student. Showed up to a math lab looking for a calculus tutor. Expected the usual old man. Got a young, close to my age seemingly, hot, tomboyish and tatted chick. I could not pay attention and I am pretty sure I complimented her impressive calculus skills several times, embarrassingly admiring her and her work, through her work. Her hand writing is so neat and organized. I had multiple questions. After she explain the first solution I pretty much swallowed my nervousness and thanked her for her time and help and that I would go over the one solution on my own. She offered to go over the rest but I insisted on leaving, my conservative buns were on fire. Absolute stunner. I feel so guilt for having these feelings.. I have to focus on passing this dang exam, not thinking these gay thoughts I really cannot ever let it actually happen it is just not right, I could never. These encounters rarely happen, I am usually disgusted by most, only some girls catch my fancy but still it is not right for me. I watched some gross lesbian porn earlier and felt so gross after I came. Thanks for reading.

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  1. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that what you’re feeling is totally okay! Attraction is fluid and I know you’ve probably heard this a million times but it’s okay to like whoever you like! <3

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