
After meeting thousands of people, I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter how supportive, kind, successful or loving you are. People only care about 3 fundemental things: How much money do you have due to your profession? How much are you willing to share with me or can I use you to climb the ladder of success? Lastly, are you skinny & underweight so you can make me look better in pictures and on social media? Our society has become so vain and shallow nothing else really matters to people but the illusion of the superficial. You can be hit with an ugly stick like Shrek, cute but short like a midget, mean as hell, rude, unkind, materialistic, drowning in any of the deadly addictions: alcohol, drugs, meds, anorexia, vanity, gluttony, greed, lust, gambling and still have a mate on Valentine’s as long as you are rich and skinny…lol…this world is so f- up.

What do you think?

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  1. So damn true and what you realize if you didn’t already know. Hit your 40s and you know and then some. The hypocrisy out there is staggering.

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Corrupt Black Sheriff

Eternal Valentine