Since U Been Gone

I have come to the conclusion that this song is NOT about an ex-boyfriend. This song (written by Gottwald and Sandberg) is clearly about Kelly’s 2003 move to different management, and her contentious dumping of Simon Fuller (American Idol creator) as her manager.

Go ahead. Reread the lyrics. Think about this from a business aspect.

She started off on a friendly level with Fuller. He became her manager. She probably told him she trusted his judgment, and that she wasn’t going to fire him (“…how I picture me with you.”).

“I can breathe for the first time…” because he was controlling her career… “I’m so moving on… Now I get what I want…” because he was limiting her growth as an artist.

She “fell for that stupid love song” from her first album – which really wasn’t the type of music she wanted to be singing, or the image she wanted to be portraying, in hindsight.

He put her career on the backburner, to work with newer idols — “You had your chance you blew it
Out of sight, out of mind.”

She keeps repeating that she’s now getting what she wants — she’s not being controlled by a manager that isn’t listening to her creative needs.

And, if you think she wasn’t angry with him, just remember the recent news about her not wanting her songs to be sung on American Idol. Yes, she relented, but still… she has some seriously bad feelings about Fuller.

PS: Your manager is holding you back and interfering in your communications and relationships. That is the ‘why’ to your question.

Which put me into the space of finally realizing that I am better off without xyz if they are unreachable. This song seems like the girl was played, she was fell in love quickly with xyz and all she could think about was xyz and her being together. She fell for xyz stupid love song but it did not last long, “It was cool but it was all pretend”. Soon she realized that she wasnt actually happy with xyz and that she never heard xyz say how xyz wanted to be with her. She was the one always saying how she (pictured) them together. And obviously no one likes 1 -way relationships. When you like someone so much all you can think about is them and you hold your breath for them and now “I can breathe for the first time” and now she’s over xyz, she doesn’t need to depend on xyz to be happy and live her life. So she ditched him and now she can breath again and is a LOT happier. Although she THOUGHT she was sad about the ending or breakup. Shes not in the end and is much happier once realizing that she’s happy a weight has been lifted. She’s not sad or bitter though but happy to have been through the experience it has made her stronger. Basically she realizes she better off without them just like, *I* am better of without you.

What do you think?

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