don’t talk to my cousin eli cunt

rose you got to stop helping elizabeth bully your mother and father over fake sex abuse claims. they have abused me over it as well. I told the churches dad is not a pedo and you should never have spread fake lies to get sex . you did the same thing karen did and its not good. but ugly girls and selfish sex mongororas have to do this to even get a man . but stop it. you nearly killed him in hospital and I had to contact the church to stop the death. don’t do it again bitch. listen to me and stop helping those filipinos so much. there is a man around who is white knick named called Oake Milky who likes you. You made it clear you wanted him when I showed you how he looked like your husband with red hair. do not help stephanie any further she is bad news and a mistake to good society. she is evil . just like elizabeth having a baby so young and then helping others genes adopting a baby. dont help that dirty cunt or any of mum or dads family. they are all bad news.

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the monkey pox slut over road the don

your daughter is