Feeling Trapped in my Skin

I feel so exhausted. Every since the Roe VS Wade stuff, nothing can convince me to feel safe. I’m disabled. I’m a woman. I’m chronically sick and struggling as it is. Yet as the days pass, the very last bit of autonomy I have over my own body is gone. The government already basically has me under it’s wing. I can’t do the things others can do. If I could get a job, if I could stop being disabled– I would, but these are options that just don’t exist for me.

I don’t feel at home and I’m scared I’ll never feel at home again as people take away more and more rights.

All I want is to feel safe.

What do you think?


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    • Hey, dickwad, maybe mind your own business? And to the op, yeah, I get you. I’m in the same boat. Honestly I’d probably be hauling out the guillotine now if I wasn’t stuck in a damn wheelchair. I guess all we can do is scream, at this point

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Guys are so weird sometimes

sorry everyone on here that I am so moody