I want to be kidnappped

I am 15 1/2 female and I want to be kidnapped. I want to be taken from my home in the middle of the night and taken to someones home. where I am treated like either a pet or a useless diaper wearing baby. I want to be tied up so I can barely move very frequently. Wear a shock collar when I am not tied up so I can’t escape even if I want too.

What do you think?


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  1. Keep it a fantasy babe the reality of being kidnapped can be totally different than you think. Imagine a fat hairy stinking man catches you and he is into cannibalism. He’s going to cut a piece of your skin off everyday and make you eat it. He’s also going to rape you several times a day with his smegma filled penis if you refuse he’s going to repeatly punch you in the face full force and he’s over 200 punds.

  2. hey babes I’ve been there b4 like when was 12-14. Let me tell you something you don’t want to feel that way. I was really hypersexual since I was exposed to things and maybe it was a way to feel control or shit idk and idk if that’s what happened to u but I’ve felt what ur feeling at the moment. rn you’re in a vulnerable position and its worrisome. Just I hope you can heal from this

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