When I was about 11 my brother(16) would ask me to kiss him for his weekly allowance, eventually it slowly got to more and more extreme things things like letting him feel my chest or sit in between his lap. For a while I didn’t really see anything wrong with the actions until he decided to blindfold me and gave me 200 dollars and he told me to take my clothes off. He held me down and started to have sex with me even after I asked him to stop multiple ties (I couldn’t fight him off hes a lot larger than I). By the end of it I was bleeding everywhere and I couldn’t hold in my urine. He upped the value to 400 dollars which was the only reason I kept doing it. It started getting more and more painful up until I was 15 and my parents found out when I had refused the deal for the first time because I was feeling sick and he decided to just tie me down and rape me for hours. My parents got home at some point and came to come check on us and caught him raping me. After that my parents called the police and I was checked in medically where I found out I was pregnant. I was suggested an abortion, something I decided to do. I was ordered to testify against my brother where my parents learned how long it had been going on. I don’t have much more to say.
*Name is not required.