Secretly gay

I am happily married to a woman but have secret desires to have sex with men. I wish I could be outwardly gay but can’t due to family and my wife. I told a good female friend who now teases me in a nice way about being gay. Sometimes she’ll say something about a hot guy and just give me a look. A look that says “you know what I’m talking about”. She does this in front of her husband and my wife. I secretly love it and wish she would do it more often. It is so validating.

What do you think?


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  1. Mmm you should see if she will have a 3 sum with you not her husband.
    She could watch instruct and help you suck a cock ,if you are wanting to bottom I wouldn’t do that with her there because she would tell your wife eventually and you would have serious problems

  2. You should have a 3sum with her someone who’s not her husband . She can watch teach and help you give your first bj of course she will probably tell your wife about it at some point but she is going to rather you do anything or not

  3. Have you considered just telling your wife? Perhaps you could live a more genuine life? Be true to your inner gay self.

  4. *Update – I secretly have a crush on a man that I met. He is the father of one of the kids on my daughter’s soccer team. He flirts with me at the games. We are meeting for a beer on Saturday. I’m sooooo excited. I’m giddy!

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