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    Italian Spaghetti

    I have never cheated on anyone I have been romantically involved with, even after discovering my 2nd fiance was cheating on me. Mainly because I made a conscious choice not to dishonor real Love, which I have a deep respect for after my first fiance died. Dated around after and dated a lot of attractive […] More

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    Do you remember several years ago, think back to the Belize trip. You were partying with a new piece of man candy and his crew but suddenly started to feel light heated, nauseous, a bit too drunk when you only had one drink? My friends saw him slip GHB into your cocktail and knew then […] More

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    Let Me Guess

    I bet you $2.5 Million Dollars, when our pictures went public, and a certain evil celebrity found out we met. She, out of jealousy called you up and said: “I saw you met xyz. She had the hots for me back in the day blah, blah, blah.” Yes, I did when I was into Toxic, […] More

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    Hope you meet some nice, good looking senior citizen like yourself, who is into the 80’s. You deserve someone loving, with a full head of hair and kind. I think you are charming and wish you well on the rest of your life journey. Finally over my impossible crush who would never ask me to […] More

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    Love, makes us stupid sometimes. I would apologize for flirting with you but I don’t regret it. It was such a pleasure. 😘 No regrets. Just wish there was more time for us to spend quality time together. Wish fulfillment is everything you are beautiful, with Valentine’s kisses on top. More

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