To Love or To Shag The Musician

If I cannot channel all my desire into you, then my friend said the next best thing is to find someone who looks like you, about 20 years younger and pour all my redirected love into them. Referred to in psychology as a ‘Transference of Feelings,’ which may be the healthier option. You seem pretty amazing on the surface, but the emotional and relationship baggage you carry is probably 50+ feet deep. I honestly don’t have the time or energy to climb over your walls or through your defenses without it being worth my while. Out of curiosity, I looked up your soul card, and discovered you are a 3 of Spades and I am a 4 of Spades, we are actually considered in esoteric circles a literal ‘pair,’ although our Birthdays are different, we are twin flames in the purest sense of the word. I am your Moon in the Spiritual Spread and we are each others Lifetime Cosmic Reward card and artistic mirror according to Destiny Cards, via the Zoroastrians. Explains the magnetic pull and attraction but my role in your life is to support and bless you based on our past life soul contract because our connections are spiritual, meaning we have been together before. You are considered the Sun, which means you are the one who has to lead the relationship or it goes nowhere. Also explains why I hesitate to chase you with good reason, it’s not my role to play. Ultimately, the growth of our connection depends on you and your leadership of us. Supporting people is not an issue for me, I do it naturally but you will take it to another level which requires a type of submission on my part, which requires trust. The challenge is, now that people know we have met, they are putting in their two cents about me, but honestly they do not know me at all. We have never shared time or space together but they will claim to know me when I in reality keep to myself. I only trust my 5 closest friends and keep my circle tight. Not certain how their opinions or perceptions will influence you about me or us, but I do know that jealousy over me giving you my attention will come into the equation whether you realize it or not. Hoping you do not let them ruin a good thing and are wise enough to see through any negative intentions. Especially with that one persons name you keep dropping that makes me cringe, I think you are in the same spiritual network and I pray to God you are not friends with that evil musical witch. She is so mean, a spiritual narcissist, everyone in her crowd is, and that would be the only deal breaker for me. I think a lot of people are attracted to you and want to just shag you and put your name as a knotch on their bed post, but I would fall for you and I can feel it. Which is why I run from love, not you, just falling in love because it burns and is not where my luck has ever been. I can manage my life better as a detached lone wolf. Honestly, I hate dating, the pool of qualified candidates on the level is lack luster at best and I really do not like dealing with peoples hidden addictions, secrets that destroy relationships, bad habits they hide to impress you or drama. It is such a distraction from the work I do that helps people. My intellect is at war with my heart now as I tame these feelings and walk away from you. It’s not personal, I just avoid falling in love with anyone, which is why Jesus told the Prophets it is best to be single, to avoid distractions. The irony is, the Zoroastrians are the oldest male dominated Astrology Organization in the world most famous for the 3 Wise Men who predicted the coming of Christ, astrologers to the Ancient Kings of Bablyonia. What do the hell do they know other than the fact that you are sexy as hell and I don’t need a deck of cards to tell me you are worth the gamble…lol… 😉 I will never regret rolling the dice. My soulmate died in 2001. Do you know why, after dating around, I know there is no one on this planet for me? Most people don’t even notice the Spade symbol on the front cover of every playing deck in the world is THE oldest Symbol for a Sacred Esoteric Society of intuitive people like us; those are not symbols on cards, they are soul patterns, tikkunes, that must be healed and mastered. Hence, why this one soul will remain single forever because I am not settling for the average mind or soul to lay in my bed and keep me warm. It is better to be alone, then be bored or lonely with the person lying next to you. It is why God created the person who invented Vibrators, the Noble Prize Winner for all Society. Have a blessed day wondering about all the things we will never get to discuss face to face gorgeous. No matter where you roam, I wish you love…🦋 Maroon 5 – Love Somebody

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