Why is it so hard

I lack intimacy. I love my parents, they’re amazing people but I don’t like hugging and spending time clsoe with them. I want ssomeone who I can hug, kiss, get comfortable with, and instead I have nothing. I always thought I just wanted sex, and that sex could solve everything, but the other day I layed my head on my friends shoulder and she let me be, I was almost crying by the time I pulled away. And so my question is, why can’t I have a boyfriend. I’m not saying I look model like, but I think I’ve achieved the body image of an avarage rate. I have curves, I’m supportive, fun to talk to, and always there for the people that need me, trying to do my best to help. Not once have I seen someone even look at me in a way that’d make me think they like me. And I’m 15. All I hear is high school romance and ouples getting together, and i just sit by and watch. How do I intimidate boys my age when the only thing they want to see is skin and I dn’t plan on being a whore for attention an d intimacy they won’t even give me?

What do you think?

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  1. I think you are going to be okay. Be patient and don’t push yourself into anything that you don’t really want to do. You should look for someone to love, not sex. Look for someone whose company you enjoy. That is much more important than physical attraction. If you have fun together, you can have a happy life.

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